Development Frontiers Women Cooperatives (DFWC) is the women wing of Development Frontiers (DF). DFWC is an association of women in shea and gari processing founded in 2010 in the East Gonja Municipality. It is comprised of over three thousand and seventy-six (3076) women in groups in thirty-five (35) communities in the Municipality. The main objective of the Co-operative is improving the quality of shea nuts collected by women, aggregators at one location and organize for sale to one large end shea buyer. DFWC has carried out a number of projects including co-operative development training, shea nuts quality and butter training, warehouse management and business development training and advocacy campaign for the construction of public warehouse for the women cooperatives among others.

Core Values

  1. Respect to women
  2. Work with GESI target such as PWDs, old women, youth, boys and girls
  3. Equality among all
  4. Support each other
  5. Care for the environment we work and live in


The organization implements an advocacy for the construction of a public warehouse in East Gonja Municipal and now the Inclusive Access to Gari Market Initiative (IAGMI) under the Action for Voice and Inclusive Development(AVID)

  • The NGO has carried out several livelihood empowerment interventions in the area especially, Shea related activities and value chain development.
  • Quality nuts and butter training in co-operative management
  • Co-operative management training
  • Warehouse management and aggregation capacity building,
  • Business management trainings and shea premium quality butter processing at training of trainer’s level involving fifty women.
  • Advocacy for the construction of public warehouse in the East Gonja district
  • And now Inclusive Access to Gari Market Initiative


East Gonja district

We are implementing the IAGMI project under the Star Ghana Foundation AVID Project in five communities in East Gonja district;

  1. Sisipe
  2. Techipe
  3. Kakoshie
  4. Kafaba
  5. Lamsa

Our Donors

Business Sector Advocacy Challenge (BUSAC) Fund and Star Ghana Foundation together with support from Flora and Hewlett Foundation.


    Gari enterprise in Ghana is considered a catalyst for economic transformation and a route out of poverty in rural communities. Small and medium enterprises are potent cartridges for fighting rural poverty and leveraging on processes leading to the achievement of sustainable goals one and two (end poverty in all its forms everywhere, and end hunger and improve nutrition, respectively).